Peter Daniš: Ephemeral

Peter Daniš: Ephemeral

Exhibition of a Slovak visual artist – a painter from the middle generation.

Author, Exhibition Title: Peter Daniš: Ephemeral
Venue: Záhorie Gallery of Ján Mudroch in Senica, Sadová 619/3
Curator: Zuzana Sýkorová
Exhibition Opening: January 26 (Friday), 2024 at 17:00
Exhibition Duration: January 26 (Friday), 2024 – March 17 (Sunday) 2024

About exhibition

In the current exhibition, Peter Daniš presents a selection of both intimate and monumental oil and acrylic paintings from the years 2022 to 2023.

Light, as the main theme and perpetual source of painterly inspiration, continues to captivate the artist since the beginning of his painting career. It appears in landscapes that have undergone internal development from more concrete representations to nocturnal urban landscapes, anonymous agglomerations that are progressively moving towards a freer, less tangible depiction. In his current light-abstract paintings, the artist further explores the capture, materialization, and the possibilities of apprehending and emanating light.

Peter Daniš is one of those artists who think and create through extensive painting cycles, which he rarely considers closed, returning to them repeatedly in new ways. This is evident in his abstract paintings, which have sporadically appeared in his work since his early painting days.

The current light abstract paintings are created based on experiences and observations of the surrounding world. Daniš addresses the painterly problem of capturing light, its softness, and elusiveness. The contrast between the rationality of image construction and the emotionality of color is blurred, resulting in a tranquil harmony. In delicate, immaterial, flowing surfaces of apparent emptiness, space emerges, constructed through layering, condensing, and overlaying dark backgrounds with light tones of subtle impressions. The emerging light, as the internal content of the painting, is “materialized” through a restrained, veiled color palette of soft yellow, gray-blue, and gray. The artist adapts his flowing painting style to this intention, applying colors in thin, gentle layers where even a more pronounced brushstroke can act as a sharp cry in silence.

Contemporary landscapes, depicted from a bird’s-eye perspective, loosely connecting to urban scenes from previous years, are more sensed than seen. They are created based on appropriated digital photographs of real landscapes, whose identity is not important. The artist captures fictional cities as clusters of vibrating glowing points of light that float in an open, almost infinite space full of light. Despite their ephemeral nature, the generous compositions do not lose their solid internal structure, moving from the real to the indefinite. Through them, the artist conveys the delicacy, airiness, lightness, and fleeting touch of the depicted moment. In line with the tone of his paintings, their sense of openness, free space, majesty, and in the case of abstractions, a certain timelessness, the artist leaves his works untitled. The exhibition “Ephemeral” provides a glimpse into the current work of a solitary figure in contemporary painting. In his abstractions and landscapes, Peter Daniš seeks answers to questions he repeatedly poses – how to artistically depict something immaterial, how to give form to what transcends us.

“…because the things we see are temporary, but the things we cannot see are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Zuzana Sýkorová

About the Artist:

Peter Daniš (*1983)

studied at the School of Applied Arts of Jozef Vydra in Bratislava. He completed his master’s studies in 2008 in the painting and other media studio of Ján Berger at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. He systematically dedicates himself to free painting. He consistently presents his work at solo exhibitions (selection: Open Studio / Topolčianky 2023; (IN)VISIBLE / Pálffy Palace, Zámocká, Bratislava 2022; Lightscapes / Kysucká Gallery, Oščadnica 2017; Open Studio / Topoľčianky 2014; Nightscape / Frufru Gallery, Bratislava 2010) and group exhibitions (selection: Selection from Acquisitions (2011–2020) / Kysucká Gallery, Oščadnica 2021; Genius loci / Kysucká Gallery, Oščadnica 2018). His work is represented in the Kysucká Gallery in Oščadnica and in many private collections. He lives and works in Topoľčianky.

Peter Decheť: Powered by Power, 2020, olej na plátne, 75 x 100 cm

Ohlasy v médiách


Vernisáž, TASR, 11. apríla 2023 9:11
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Záhorí.sk, KamVen, 5. apríla 2023:
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NaZáhorí.sk, Angelika Kmecová, 13. apríla 2023
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Správy RTVS z regiónov, piatok 14.04.2023 17:10
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Dominika Kusá: Kresby Jána Mudrocha, Správy RTVS, piatok 14.04.2023 19:00
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RTVS, Kultúra SK, Nedeľa 16.04.2023 18:00
Príspevok od 24:00:
Pozvánka Kresby Jána Mudrocha 

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© 2019 Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch in Senica

Founder of Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch in Senica: Trnavský samosprávny kraj

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