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Acquisitions 2023
Acquisitions 2023
Exhibition of works acquired into the collections of the Záhorie Gallery in 2023.
Exhibition Title: Acquisitions 2023
Venue: Foyer of the Záhorie Gallery of Ján Mudroch in Senica, Sadová 619/3
Concept: Roman Popelár
Exhibition Opening: March 22nd (Friday) 2024 at 6:00 PM
Exhibition Duration: March 22nd (Friday) – April 28th (Sunday) 2024
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
The Arts Council is the main partner of the project.

In 2023, the Záhorie Gallery acquired into its collections a unique painting by the regional landscape artist Július Koreszka (1895, Dojč – 1958, Skalica). The work depicts a panorama of the landscape, with a massive tree in the foreground and an anonymous figure seated beneath it.
The gallery also acquired a small sculptural piece by the academic sculptor Štefan Belohradský (1930 – 2012) last year. The work is connected to our region – Myjava. It is the only model made of cast hydronalium (height 85 cm), which served as a prototype for the later realization of a monumental outdoor object in the spirit of the geometric abstraction of the 1960s. The model of the main pylon of the Memorial at Klasoviti (1968) in the village of Poriadie, commemorating the site of the final battle of the first Slovak volunteer expedition in 1848, was realized for the 120th anniversary of this historical event. Its title is “NAD TATROU SA BLÝSKA” (Lightning Over the Tatras). Štefan Belohradský had an artistic connection to Myjava since 1961 when he became the author of the Memorial of the Slovak National Uprising and Liberation. His collaboration with the region culminated in 1968, when, besides the aforementioned memorial, he created a sculptural dividing wall called “SLOVANSKÁ LIPA” (Slavic Linden) between the Museum of Slovak National Councils and the widow Kolényi’s house in Myjava. The only exhibition of Štefan Belohradský in the Záhorie Gallery in Senica was in 1995, and the collection includes 12 works on paper and 5 struck medals with regional themes related to Záhorie. The acquisition is the first and only freestanding sculptural object by Štefan Belohradský in our collection.
List of acquisitions in 2023:
– Štefan Belohradský: “NAD TATROU SA BLÝSKA”
– Július Koreszka: Untitled
Zoznam zreštaurovaných diel Záhorskej galérie Jána Mudrocha v Senici v r. 2021:
- Neznámy autor, Portrét generála grófa Jozefa Quadányiho, r. 1783-1801, olejomaľba na plátne, 102,9 x 76,6 cm, M-490
- Ján Mudroch, Stojaci akt, 1954, kombinovaná kresba uhľom, akvarelom, baliaci papier, 65,2 x 46,8 cm, K-1465
- Ján Mudroch, Sediaci akt, 1954, kresba uhľom, baliaci papier, 62,2 x 44,1 cm, K-1466
- Ján Mudroch, Smútok, 1954, lavírovaná kresba tušom, baliaci papier, 48 x 57 cm, K-1657
- Ján Mudroch, Sediaci akt I., 1950, lavírovaná kresba tušom, temperou, baliaci papier, 54 x 80 cm, K-1677
- Ján Mudroch, Sediaci akt II., 1950, lavírovaná, kombinovaná kresba tušom, temperou, baliaci papier, 80 x 56 cm, K-1678
- Ján Mudroch, Stojaci akt I., 1950, lavírovaná kresba tušom, baliaci papier, 82 x 54 cm, K-1679
Reštaurovanie portrétu generála grófa Jozefa Quadányiho
Neznámy autor, Portrét generála grófa Jozefa Quadányiho, r. 1783-1801, olejomaľba na plátne, 102,9 x 76,6 cm, M-490
Ohlasy v médiách:
kultura.pravda.sk, TASR 26.01.2022 18:00
V záhorskej galérii budú vystavovať diela zreštaurované v roku 2021
TV SEN – Senica, 1. 2. 2022
Záhorská galéria J. Mudrocha vystavuje zreštaurované diela zo svojich zbierok
Kunstkamera podcast, 17.5.2022:
POZVÁNKA DO GALÉRIE – Galéria Jána Mudrocha v Senici

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
The Arts Council is the main partner of the project.