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Acquisitions 2022
Acquisitions 2022
Exhibition of acquisitions for the collection of the Záhorie Gallery in 2022.
Exhibition title: Acquisitions 2022
Venue: Foyer of Záhorská galéria Jána Mudrocha v Senici, Sadová 619/3
Concept: Roman Popelár
Opening: 13 April 2023 at 5.00 pm
Running: 13 April (Thursday) 2023 – 4 June (Sunday) 2023
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The Arts Council is the main partner of the project.

The exhibition Acquisitions 2022 presents several works and one cycle of hanging objects by three artists. Undoubtedly, the most historically valuable acquisition is the painting King and Queen by academic painter Oľga Bartošíková from the mid-1960s, exhibited in the gallery on the occasion of the artist’s centenary birthday at the end of summer 2022. She painted the work while being a member of the legendary Group 4 (Oľga Bartošíková, Jarmila Čihánková, Tamara Klimová, Viera Kraicová) and captures the period of her transition from structural abstraction to new figuration and pop art environment, which she gradually transformed into realistic painting in the 1970s. The cycle of three adjusted paper objects by Petra Nováková Ondreičková, acquired by purchase and gift, reflects her perception and creative direction of the past two decades. The artist was highly recognised in Slovakia especially in the 1990s, when she was present at numerous selected exhibitions of Slovak visual art. This also partly concerns Sára Pernecká – a generational and creative companion of Petra Nováková Ondreičková. Both textile artists belonged (together with Emöke Vargová) to the artists who at the turn of the millennium shifted textile and object creations to new levels of significance. Pernecká was also part of a wider team of artists who represented Slovakia at the Venice Biennale in 1999.
The new acquisitions have supplemented the gallery’s collection with the artists representing the oldest and middle generations, whose representation in the collection of the Záhorie Gallery was either incomplete (Oľga Bartošíková was rarely represented in the 1960s), sporadic (Sara Pernecká was only represented by one work) or not at all (Petra Nováková Ondreičková). All featured works of art were acquired by the Záhorie Gallery through the financial support of the Arts Council or were a gift of the artist.
List of the new acquisitions:
Oľga Bartošíková: Kráľ a kráľovná, 1965, kombinovaná technika, plátno, 115 x 80 cm
Petra Nováková Ondreičková: Vír, 2018, perforovaný papier, preglejka, papier, plexisklo, 40,5 x 40,7 x 15,5 cm – Donation
Petra Nováková Ondreičková: Kôra, 2018, perforovaný papier, papier, preglejka, plexisklo, 80,5 x 30,5 x 25,5 cm
Petra Nováková Ondreičková: Fosílie, 2018, perforovaný papier, papier, preglejka, plexisklo, 75,5 x 30,5 x 20,5 cm
Sara Pernecká: Slzy, 2017, flis, koženka, niť, variabilné: 42ks/slza: výška 28×30 cm; šírka 6 cm; hĺbka: 4 cm
Sara Pernecká: Samosvadba, 2017, plyš, monofil, oceľ, magnet, šitie, zváranie, výška 156 cm; šírka 30 cm; hĺbka 40 cm – Donation
Zoznam zreštaurovaných diel Záhorskej galérie Jána Mudrocha v Senici v r. 2021:
- Neznámy autor, Portrét generála grófa Jozefa Quadányiho, r. 1783-1801, olejomaľba na plátne, 102,9 x 76,6 cm, M-490
- Ján Mudroch, Stojaci akt, 1954, kombinovaná kresba uhľom, akvarelom, baliaci papier, 65,2 x 46,8 cm, K-1465
- Ján Mudroch, Sediaci akt, 1954, kresba uhľom, baliaci papier, 62,2 x 44,1 cm, K-1466
- Ján Mudroch, Smútok, 1954, lavírovaná kresba tušom, baliaci papier, 48 x 57 cm, K-1657
- Ján Mudroch, Sediaci akt I., 1950, lavírovaná kresba tušom, temperou, baliaci papier, 54 x 80 cm, K-1677
- Ján Mudroch, Sediaci akt II., 1950, lavírovaná, kombinovaná kresba tušom, temperou, baliaci papier, 80 x 56 cm, K-1678
- Ján Mudroch, Stojaci akt I., 1950, lavírovaná kresba tušom, baliaci papier, 82 x 54 cm, K-1679
Reštaurovanie portrétu generála grófa Jozefa Quadányiho
Neznámy autor, Portrét generála grófa Jozefa Quadányiho, r. 1783-1801, olejomaľba na plátne, 102,9 x 76,6 cm, M-490
Ohlasy v médiách:
kultura.pravda.sk, TASR 26.01.2022 18:00
V záhorskej galérii budú vystavovať diela zreštaurované v roku 2021
TV SEN – Senica, 1. 2. 2022
Záhorská galéria J. Mudrocha vystavuje zreštaurované diela zo svojich zbierok
Kunstkamera podcast, 17.5.2022:
POZVÁNKA DO GALÉRIE – Galéria Jána Mudrocha v Senici

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The Arts Council is the main partner of the project.