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Klára Štefanovičová: Grid
Klára Štefanovičová: Grid
About exhibition
Klára Štefanovičová discovers the world of grids and grid structures of the visible world. The grid as a structure is an artistic tool that imbues the subject with a meaningful message. The grid functions as a general sensitive perception. The grid … that is, the structure, as a transcribed image of what is seen, is actually an area that determines our view of the subject. This art process has a long history. It is the history of the use of grids, systems, structures, assemblies and logical compositions. Consistently composed grids prove authenticity and personal conviction when Grid-manuscript is the structure through which we see what is represented.
The grid is used in the creative work as an element of constructive vibration and “sensitiveness”; as an artistic activity in which the subject becomes a universal representation. It is graphic design as a subject, with which we strengthen the supporting points of artistic interpretation. By sensitively perceiving the grid, we reach a space in which the viewer listens to his inner voice, his inner “position”. The subject encrypted by the grid is like a level of the subconscious, beneath which unsuspected associations emerge. Artistic “Grid” is a screen through which we see more. It is a screen through which we see inside.
Štefanovičová’s work develops the artistic principles of a creative use of the grid in diverse forms. She applies the grid in connection with the content and message of her artistic messages –concepts.
Róbert Makar
About the Artist:
Mgr. Art. Klára Štefanovičová
born 1995 in Skalica
2010 – 2014 School of Applied Arts Hodonín, specialised in graphic design
2014 – 2020 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Department of Graphic Art and Other Media, studio of Prof. Róbert Jančovič
2019 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, internship – Department of Visual Communication, Multimedia Studio (MediaLab), Ján Šicko
2021 Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Department of Graphic Art and Other Media, PhD studies with Róbert Makar
Erasmus+ 2017 – Plymouth College of Art (Painting, Drawing & Printmaking)
2017 – 2018 – Tokyo University of the Arts (Printmaking)
Solo exhibitions
2014 V pokojíčku / In the Little Room | Art Gallery, Hodonín (CZ)
2019 Čierna oslava / Black Celebration| AF Bookshop, Trnava (SK)
2020 MANUS | Magna Gallery, Piešťany (SK)
2020 MANUS | Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava (SK)
2022 Mriežka / Grid| Artotéka Gallery, Bratislava (SK)
Selected joint exhibitions
2020 Pechtle Mechtle – Pomimo 6 | Kotolňa, FA STU, Bratislava (SK)
2022 Pomimo: Rituál / Ritual | Artotéka Gallery, Bratislava (SK) Komiksový svet / The World of Comic Strips| Záhorie Library, Senica (SK) Možnosti transcendence / Chances of Transcendence| Art Gallery, Hodonín (CZ)
Hladiny dotyku / Levels of Touch | Nitra Gallery – Youth Gallery, Nitra (SK)
Ilustrations and publications – selection
2019 Čierna oslava (Nežný komiks), ilustrácie pre komiksovú knihu / Black Celebration (Subtle Comic Strip), Illustrations for a book of comic strips, EJ Publishing Illustrations for the November issue of children magazine Slniečko
Pomimo no.6 – Žranica / Feast (part of almanac of comic strips)
2020 Illustrations for the monthly comic strip “Marek a svetložrúti” for children magazine Slniečko
2021 Illustrations for October issue of children magazine Slniečko
Pomimo no.8 – Rituál / Ritual (part of almanac of comic strips)
2022 Illustrations for February issue of children magazine Slniečko
Cover and illustrations for the book Tiene v kresle / Shadows in an Armchair, BRAK – book series Alma
Ohlasy v médiách:
Teraz.sk, TASR, 24. januára 2022 13:01
V senickej Galérii sprístupnia výstavu Kríza