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Restoration 2021
Works from the collection of the Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch restored in 2021.
Exhibition project: Works from the collection of the Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch restored in 2021. Restoration of the portrait of Count Jozef Quadány and restoration of a series of drawings by Jan Mudroch.
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The Arts Council is the main partner of the project.
Restoration: July – October 2021
Opening: 28 January 2022 (Friday) from 1.00 pm
Exhibition running: 28 January 2022 (Friday) – 22 May 2022 (Sunday)
The Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch in Senica as a specialised cultural facility – a regional gallery, provides a comprehensive gallery documentation in the localities of Zahorie and Myjava in the Trnava self-governing region. It primarily focuses on exhibitions, scientific research and acquisitions. In addition to its regional mission, the gallery focuses on overlaps with Czech, mostly Moravian, visual art. The gallery holds a collection of works of art from the fields of painting, sculpture, graphic art, drawing, applied art and photography.
The following works from the depository of the Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch were restored in 2021:
- painting – Portrait of General Count Jozef Quadányi, 1783 – 1801, unknown artist
- drawings – six figure drawings by Jan Mudroch from the 1950s
Restoration research of the Portrait of General Count Jozef Qudányi included non-destructive research methods such as a) observation in daylight b) observation in side light and c) physical methods – IR infrared reflectography, UV ultraviolet fluorescence.
Other restoration procedures were disinfection, consolidation of the surface of the paint layer, lining – gluing with a new canvas, sealing, fixing, retouching – cleaning of the picture frame, repair, adjustment of the original frame and others.
The restoration of Jan Mudroch’s series of drawings was done with the following technologies:
Photographic documentation of the condition before and after restoration, non-destructive survey methods a) observation in daylight b) observation in side light, further consolidation, disinfection, dry and wet cleaning, lining, fixing, retouching, frames with glass, double mount.
The entire process of restoration of all works is documented in detail. The restoration was carried out by a certified restorer Mgr. art. Štefan Kocka. Thanks to a comprehensive restoration, authentic, original and specific features of the works of art have been preserved.
List of restored works from the Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch in Senica in 2021:
- Unknown artist, Portrait of General Count Jozef Quadányi, 1783 – 1801, oil on canvas, 102.9 x 76.6 cm, M-490
- Jan Mudroch, Standing Nude, 1954, mixed media with charcoal, watercolour, wrapping paper, 65.2 x 46.8 cm, K-1465
- Jan Mudroch, Seated Nude, 1954, charcoal drawing, wrapping paper, 62.2 x 44.1 cm, K-1466
- Jan Mudroch, Sorrow, 1954, ink wash drawing, wrapping paper, 48 x 57 cm, K-1657
- Jan Mudroch, Seated Nude I, 1950, ink wash drawing, tempera, wrapping paper, 54 x 80 cm, K-1677
- Jan Mudroch, Seated Nude II, 1950, ink wash drawing, mixed media, tempera, wrapping paper, 80 x 56 cm, K-1678
- Jan Mudroch, Standing Nude, 1950, ink wash drawing, 82 x 54 cm, K-1679
Restored Portrait of General Count Jozef Quadányi
Unknown artist, Portrait of General Count Jozef Quadányi, 1783 – 1801, oil on canvas, 102.9 x 76.6 cm, M-490
Restored six figure drawings by Jan Mudroch from the 1950s
Jan Mudroch, Standing Nude, 1954, mixed media with charcoal, watercolour, wrapping paper, 65.2 x 46.8 cm, K-1465
Jan Mudroch, Seated Nude, 1954, charcoal drawing, wrapping paper, 62.2 x 44.1 cm, K-1466
Jan Mudroch, Sorrow, 1954, ink wash drawing, wrapping paper, 48 x 57 cm, K-1657
Jan Mudroch, Seated Nude I, 1950, ink wash drawing, tempera, wrapping paper, 54 x 80 cm, K-1677
Jan Mudroch, Seated Nude II, 1950, ink wash drawing, mixed media, tempera, wrapping paper, 80 x 56 cm, K-1678
Jan Mudroch, Standing Nude, 1950, ink wash drawing, 82 x 54 cm, K-1679
Ohlasy v médiách:
kultura.pravda.sk, TASR 26.01.2022 18:00
V záhorskej galérii budú vystavovať diela zreštaurované v roku 2021
TV SEN – Senica, 1. 2. 2022
Záhorská galéria J. Mudrocha vystavuje zreštaurované diela zo svojich zbierok

Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The Arts Council is the main partner of the project.