Matúš Novosad: Drawings

Matúš Novosad: Drawings

Exhibition of a Young Slovak Painter and Educator

Author, Exhibition Title: Matúš Novosad: Drawings
Venue: Záhorie Gallery of Ján Mudroch in Senica, Sadová 619/3
Curator: Prof. Marián Zervan, PhD.
Exhibition Opening: January 31, 2025 (Friday) at 5:00 PM
Musical guest at the vernissage: Katarína Máliková – piano, vocals
Exhibition Duration: January 31, 2025 (Friday) – March 16, 2025 (Sunday)

The Artist on the Exhibition:

The exhibition presents selections from four series of drawings, all exploring questions of image composition. The oldest series consists of twelve black watercolors from 2019, hovering between abstraction and humor. These are complemented by a newly created large-scale screen print that reflects errors encountered in early ink painting, opening new avenues of interpretation. Perhaps the most extensive part of the exhibition features fifty charcoal drawings (2022–23), primarily focused on constructing figurative compositions—ranging from bathing scenes and interpersonal relationships to depictions of suffering. These naturally lead into intimate red chalk portraits created between 2023 and 2024. The exhibition’s approach to drawing as an artistic principle culminates in ink paintings that center on the theme of a mother and child, emphasizing the gradual emergence of the image before the viewer’s eyes and the interplay of one element influencing another.

Curator’s text:

The exhibition of Mgr. Matúš Novosad, PhD., painter, curator, art theorist, and critic, presents a selection of works from 2019–2024. A graduate of Klaudia Kosziba’s studio and a doctoral graduate from the Department of Art Theory and History at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, he collaborates with the journal Glosolália and currently serves as an assistant in the Delta painting studio at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. His work is dedicated to contemporary painting, exploring its connections to the past while focusing on painterly script and the broader concept of artistic script.

It is no surprise, then, that Novosad’s exhibition at the Záhorie Gallery of Ján Mudroch focuses on drawings—where the artist’s script, the fusion of visual thought and the hand, emerges in its purest form. Drawing is often reduced to preparatory sketches, diary entries, compositional drafts, or records of exploration, recalling the original Greek concept of ichnography. Novosad aligns himself with this foundational idea of drawing as a process of searching, tracking, extracting, and pulling (drawing) vision through marks (Zeichnung) that define spatial zones. He does not seek to categorize or prioritize different types of drawing. Instead, his approach is transversal and polycentric, traversing all divisions of drawing without imposing a hierarchy among them.

One might, however, raise a doubt: does Matúš Novosad not, after all, present us with a form of division in drawing? For instance, the classical division based on drawing media? And indeed, it seems that in 2019, black watercolor drawing prevailed, followed by charcoal drawing in 2020–2021, then red chalk drawing, and finally ink painting-drawing. But on the other hand, all these media-based divisions are monochromatic and interwoven both within and among themselves. Or is this not merely a division within drawing but also a division between figurative and abstract drawing?

And indeed, Novosad’s drawings convey to us—or, as Marcel Proust might say, translate from appearance into duration the various ways in which figures can be articulated: first, as figures emerging from clusters, and second, as figures formed by the clusters themselves in relation to the background. Yet some figures appear as residual “errors” (deviations) or fragments, seemingly losing their recognizable context, though each of the autonomous drawn lines retains it within its own memory of drawing in two modes: one resonant with the history of drawing, the other autonomous and self-contained, reconstructible from its authorial ontogenesis.

These drawings, unfolding in a state of duration, Novosad is inclined to refer to as abstract, though perhaps they are merely informally informative. In any case, they are not Deleuzian figural drawings, those that deform shapes or figures or merge them with the background. But where, in this case, the unifying force of drawing emerges. How do we identify it? How can we understand it? This is where the transversality of Novosad’s drawings comes into play. Each of his exhibited drawings is based on a multiplication of viewpoints, anticipating that it will reveal itself through characteristic lines of various lengths, curves, rounded shapes, semicircles, diverse densities, and gradients of intensity—striving for coherence and a sudden incision through all connections and alliances, yet equally longing for freedom and release. For this reason, they cannot be classified as figurative, abstract, or even figural. The tension and pathos of these drawings are governed precisely by the transversal and eventful, the generative, the explosive-implosive unfolding. They flow, contract, explode, disperse in various directions and shapes, and then seek their own distinctive cluster again.

Ultimately, Novosad himself organizes the exhibited drawings into certain iconographic units. While the frequently mentioned transversality prevents assigning a distinct name to each individual drawing, it does not preclude grouping them, arranging them into differentiated categories under titles that allow for multiple graphic interpretations: private, portrait, love, motherhood, eroticism, bathing, suffering, war… These categories support transversality, for they can be drawn both as states and as the genesis of forms in their uniqueness and multiplicity.

They take on a different shade in a reduced number of lines, where their cohesive forces may represent a Madonna, and another in multiplication, in the fireworks of pentimenti, incomplete arcs, undulating rhythms, labyrinths of unexpected density that defy boundaries—leading us out of the figurative illusion and proclaiming: we are not a Madonna, but rather states of unrepeatable and infinite maternal love, offering everyone a choice. And perhaps we are something more—perhaps, the very source of life itself in all its forms. Follow and seek our traces, for this act of discovery, of lines drawn deliberately yet in multiple directions, is the very essence of drawing.

If I were to add yet another division of drawing—one that has already been hinted at between the lines and through allusions—it would be that drawing has a life of its own, one that intersects with life beyond drawing. The first is pictorial, while the second is proto-pictorial, offering an unfinished and fleeting imagery that either speaks to us or fades away. This is why it is crucial to continually explore the life of drawing, to open doors for it (Hebrew dlat or proto-Semitic delet), so that extra-pictorial imagery may engage with it, offering paths and possibilities for fusion. This is what Matúš Novosad pursues in various ways—perhaps even in Atelier Delta.

Marián Zervan

Ján Mudroch

Ján Mudroch

– narodil sa 28. marca 1909 v obci Sotina (dnes mestská časť Senice),
– bol najstarší zo siedmich súrodencov, štyroch chlapcov a troch dievčat,
– otec Pavol Mudroch bol pôvodne kožušník a z najstaršieho syna chcel mať úradníka,
– prvé zoznámenie sa s výtvarným umením absolvoval v roku 1926 v súkromnej maliarskej škole Gustáva Mallého v Bratislave,
– v rokoch 1930 – 1931 študoval na Umeleckopriemyselnej škole v Prahe na vlastné náklady, bez finančnej podpory rodičov, u profesora Arnošta Hofbauera,
– v rokoch 1931 – 1937 študoval na Akadémii výtvarných umení u profesora Willyho Nowaka,
– v roku 1932 sa oženil s Helenou Hajdušíkovou,
– po skončení štúdií v Prahe sa vrátil na Slovensko do Šurian, kde sa medzičasom presťahovala jeho rodina a pedagogicky tam pôsobila i jeho manželka,
– po okupácii Šurian v roku 1938 natrvalo zakotvil v Bratislave, kde pedagogicky pôsobil na rôznych umeleckých školách,
– 1938 – pôsobenie v Bratislave na Škole umeleckých remesiel
– v roku 1939 začal pedagogicky pôsobiť na novoutvorenom Oddelení kreslenia a maľovania Slovenskej vysokej školy technickej; o dva roky neskôr (1941) však pre svoj pokrokový a protifašistický postoj musel post opustiť. Na protest s ním odišli zo školy študenti – neskôr významní maliari – O. Dubay, V. Chmel, E. Semian, J. Šturdík, J. Novák.
– v roku 1945, na konci vojny počas prechodu frontu, sa usídlil v Senici, kde bolo pri bombardovaní mesta zničených niekoľko stoviek jeho obrazov,
– po skončení vojny naplno rozvinul rozsiahle spoločenské a kultúrno-organizačné aktivity: podieľal sa na založení výtvarného združenia s názvom Skupina 29. augusta (1945), organizoval výstavy, inicioval založenie odborného časopisu Kultúrny život, stal sa predsedom výtvarného spolku Umelecká beseda slovenská (1947), pripravoval založenie Slovenskej národnej galérie (1948) aj Slovenskej filharmónie (1949),
– v roku 1949 sa stal jedným zo zakladateľov novovzniknutej Vysokej školy výtvarných umení v Bratislave a zároveň jej prvým rektorom (1949 – 1952),
– do roku 1968 viedol Oddelenie portrétneho a kompozičného maliarstva na VŠVU v Bratislave,
– Senicu naposledy navštívil s manželkou Helenou v roku 1966, dva roky pred smrťou,
– zomrel 4. februára 1968 po krátkej chorobe v Bratislave, kde je aj pochovaný.

Ján Mudroch bol jedným z najvýraznejších predstaviteľov generácie umelcov nazývaných podľa roku narodenia – Generácia 1909. Jeho tvorbu definuje nikdy nekončiaci zápas o hľadanie novej formy, nového aktuálneho maliarskeho názoru, ktorý ťaží predovšetkým z hry farby a svetla, z princípov kolorizmu a v celkovej koncepcii z charakteristického poetického kánonu. Za svoju umeleckú tvorbu získal niekoľko ocenení, v roku 1963 titul zaslúžilý umelec a v roku 1968 bol vymenovaný za národného umelca in memoriam.

Peter Decheť: Powered by Power, 2020, olej na plátne, 75 x 100 cm

O autorke

Ohlasy v médiách


Vernisáž, TASR, 11. apríla 2023 9:11
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RTVS, Kultúra SK, Nedeľa 16.04.2023 18:00
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Pozvánka Kresby Jána Mudrocha 

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