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About exhibition
Anabiosis is a change in the behaviour of organisms due to adverse living conditions. Anticipating that they will be unable to cope with extreme drought or cold, they induce a state of apparent death. When the danger is over, their original vital functions are restored and their life can continue to flow. Petra Nováková Ondreičková is interested in similar phenomena in which hidden life forms survive in camouflaged variations and she perceives them as an analogy to human behaviour in exemplar or, conversely, rare situations. She focuses on thinking and thoughts accompanied by questions of the forms and shapes in which they can survive in times of inactivity. After all, they are an accompanying phenomenon of the creative process and in the author’s imagination they act as an organism in the biotope of the artist’s head. On the timeline of her work so far, we go through various models of macro and micro-worlds of habitats – from the personal, following her emerging identity, to the current, reflective spaces and places hidden from the snapshot culture. She creates them from wall and spatial objects, whose intricate layered organic structure significantly spreads over the host space. Her creative material is primarily paper and its endless possibilities and overlaps – from collage, object, ready-made, to installation or sizeable spatial architecture. Many of her exhibited projects have already undergone “auto recycling” several times: she enters older works and creates new ones from them. She is convinced that the work, after display and storage, becomes a stored, dead thing that can only survive in a new transformation. She obsessively searches and experiments, and is particularly satisfied with those techniques, which, she says, exceed the dimension of their qualities. She likes overlaps and the intertwining of media and techniques. In her rendering, a drawing, a collage, or a three-dimensional object tends to find itself in a position that changes its common perception. Although her collage is three-dimensional, it is not an assemblage! She draws with a knife and creates spatial images that can be a drawing, but also a three-dimensional object and, last but not least, in its complexity, also an installation. She stages situations and places in all assumed and suspected layers, close relationships or, conversely, in collisions and ruptures.
Petra Nováková Ondreičková does not often exhibit her works and carefully chooses only those places of her temporary activity that can create a complete organism of her work with the architecture of the space. It is probable that her anabiotic organism exhibited in the Zahorie Gallery of Jan Mudroch in Senica comes to life in a new vital form, modelled primarily by the artist herself and the genius loci.
Beata Jablonská
About the Artist:
Petra Nováková Ondreičková
Born in 1968 in Bratislava. She lives and works in Prague.
2007 Cité des Arts Paris
1993 – 1994 Nottingham Trent University (UK)
1987 – 1993 Academy of Applied Arts Prague (CZ) /Prof. A. Matasová/
1983 – 1987 School of Applied Arts Bratislava /Prof. J. Berger, K. Pichler/
Solo exhibitions (selection):
2018-2019 Biotope, Cindy Lisica Gallery, Houston (USA)
Here Means Now, Gallery of the Slovak Embassy, Washington D. C. (USA)
2018 Centrum v periferii / Centre in the Periphery, galerie Arto Uhelný mlýn Libčice n./Vltavou (CZ)
Biotop Chaos, galerie Planeta Chaos Střítěž (CZ)
2017 Morseovka / The Morse Code, Nitra Gallery, Nitra
2015 Vesmír / The Universe, Galerie Nová síň, Prague (CZ)
2010 Vytrhnuté z kontextu / Taken out of Context, Open Gallery, Bratislava
2009 Vytrženo z kontextu / Taken out of Context, Galerie Vyšehrad, Prague (CZ)
2006 BIOTOPY / BIOTOPES, Galeria 7, Bratislava
2002 BIO, galerie Litera, Prague (CZ)
Ztracená volání / Lost Calling, Open Gallery SCCA, Bratislava
2000 Last Motif, Galéria Medium, Bratislava
1997 Stroje / Machines, Synagogue Šamorín
1996 Trojí možnost / Triple Possibility, Galerie V. Špály, Prague (CZ)
Petra Ondreičková, Galerija M. Kraljevič, Zagreb (HR)
Joint exhibitions (selection):
2021 13 SEM symposium, Open Air Garden Gallery, Bratislava
2018 Crash Test, Topičův klub, Prague (CZ)
2015 Čím prekvapiť jasnovidku / What Surprises a Clairvoyant, Magna Gallery, Piešťany
2013 Tri ceny / Three Awards, Galéria Umelka, Bratislava /Grand prix/
2012 Salon malby / Salon of Painting, DOX, Prague
2010 Biennial of Creative Fine Arts, Dom umenia, Bratislava
Selection from the Biennial of Creative Fine Arts, Galerie Mánes–Diamant, Prague (CZ)
2007 4th Biennial of Small Prints GRAFIX, Břeclav (CZ)
Střední věk / Middle Age, Galerie 5. patro, Prague (CZ)
2004, 2005, 2006 Contemporary Slovak Graphic Art, Banská Bystrica
1999 – 2000 Vzdálené podobnosti / Distant Similarities, Veletržný palác, Prague (CZ)
1999 Kontravize / Counter Vision, Városi muveszeti muzeum Gyor (HU) and SNG, Bratislava
1999 Slovak Art for Free – Biennale di Venezia, Benátky (I)
1998 Mezisvět / The World Between, SNG, Bratislava
1997 Medzi mužom a ženou / Between Man and Woman, PGU, Žilina
1996 Sen o múzeu? / Dream about a Museum?, Orava Gallery, Dolný Kubín, Dom umenia, Bratislava
Paradigma žena / The Paradigm of the Woman, PGU, Žilina
Interiér versus exteriér / Interior versus Exterior, Cosmos, Bratislava
1995 Pars pro toto, SNG, Bratislava
Sen o muzeu? / Dream about a Museum?, PGU, Žilina
1994 Marginálie / Marginalia, PGU, Žilina
1993 Labyrinty / Labyrinths, Gallery of J. Koniarek in Trnava
1992 Real – Utopian Breakfast, Míčovna Pražského Hradu, Prague (CZ)
Representation in collections:
Slovak National Gallery Bratislava
Galerija Miroslav Kraljevič Zagreb
Nitra Gallery
State Gallery Banská Bystrica
private collections
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